Quality Policy

We guarantee more than 50 years of experience in the metal sector; period in which we managed to get one place in the market, consolidating our bases in quality and personalized work; betting on the Specialization in large pieces, and growing our already experienced workforce that makes up the family of Epromet.

Our mission is to provide the highest quality possible, according to the demands of our customers. To do this, We apply a verification system on the machine that guarantees optimum results and the maximum satisfaction for our customers. In addition, we have a solid variety of machinery ready to give the highest quality and maximum precision.

Our History

Our dilated history is a testament to the experience that endures us

Quality Policy

When the obstinacy and the desire for improvement unite, quality is guaranteed

Value Proposal

Betting on the market for the great dimensions ... the Titans of Metal

Work with Us

We don't underestimate the importance of incorporating new workers that can contribute and / or innovate in the company